COSMIC PUTREFACTION - CD - Emerald Fires Atop The Farewell Mountains
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Gabriele Gramaglia is back with his main solo output COSMIC PUTREFACTION for another chapter of his own tale under the banner of his new LP “Emerald Fires Atop The Farewell Mountains” set for release on Oct 4th.
Taking place right after “Crepuscular Dirge for the Blessed Ones”, “Emerald Fires...” takes us to an even deeper and ineluctable journey. Now that the empyrean inhabitants have fallen down for good and all the debris of physical worlds are scattered around, the main character of the tale has in-fact to walk his very last path counting only of his very last strengths to face eternal solitude and death; a path exploring both the widest astral distances imaginable and the most twisted labyrinths of the inmost self.
Musically speaking, the concept is depicted through an even broader palette of influences compared with its predecessor, ranging from the most hammering death metal riffs, to progressive veins and even shades of symphonic black metal, embraced through an almost omnipresent wide atmosphere and multilayered arrangements of distant guitars, cellos and synths. Giulio Galati (ex-Hideous Divinity, Nero di Marte), once again teamed up with Gramaglia as a session drummer, to complete his effort through an extremely powerful and dynamic performance behind the kit.
COSMIC PUTREFACTION was formed in 2018 as the death metal sonic incarnation of the multi-instrumentalist Gabriele Gramaglia (also behind The Clearing Path and part of Turris Eburnea, Vertebra Atlantis and Hadit), which summoned the aforementioned musical entity to re-arrange and complete the unreleased album of his first band Oaken/Throne, which begun in 2012 but was left uncompleted because the combo disbanded. This album was completed and released in 2019 under the name of “At the Threshold of the Greatest Chasm”, which comprehended six-and-a-half tracks taken from the unreleased Oaken/ Throne album. He later refined his formula through the second album “The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers” and Crepuscular Dirge for the Blessed Ones” which expanded the death metal roots with the multifaceted range of influences Gramaglia has developed throughout the years.
Title: Emerald Fires Atop The Farewell Mountains (CD)
Label: Profound Lore Records
Catalog No.: PFL-323
Release Date: Oct 04, 2024
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